New Smile.

New Life!

New Smile.

New Life!

Do I Need A Bone Graft?

Firstly, before we answer your question on why you possibly need a bone graft, let’s answer the more obvious question, what is a bone graft? Bone grafting is a procedure used to replace bone loss in the jaw. Dental bone grafts are made from hydroxyapatite, which is a naturally occurring mineral found in the components […]

Oral Health And The Impact On Overall Health

The Foundation of a Healthy Smile Oral hygiene is the cornerstone of a radiant smile and overall health. At Texas Sedation Dental & Implant Center, we emphasize the significance of maintaining impeccable oral health, not just for the aesthetics of a beautiful smile but also for the long-term well-being of our patients. With the growing […]

Evolutionizing Your Trips To The Dentist

Over 20% of American struggle with fear and anxiety when it comes to making a trip to the dentist. Reasons vary from patient to patient, but the most common reasons people neglect their oral health is due to fear. This is known as dentophobia.  Do any of these phrases sound like you or someone you […]